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Institute of Architecture

The Institute of Architecture at Indus University has a course curriculum that assures a vital foundation for the students who evolve as future professionals in architecture. The Institute has several MoUs with leading national and international institutes/universities to improve research and enrich its educational programmes. Indus University is a two-way process involving teachers & students imparting architecture education at the Institute of Design, Environment and Architecture. Teachers engage with the students and endeavour to discover solutions to complex and day-to-day problems linked to human habitation. This approach helps make for a better interactive and experimental model of education.

Along with an entire team of innovators and collaborators, IDEA has concentrated on developing new teaching methodologies and redesigning the curriculum of architecture education in general. The Institute regularly organizes expert lectures, workshops, and events related to architecture, planning, and allied fields. Collaborative studies with different national and international institutions are one of the ways of making our students more aware of the global scenarios and thus making them better for the present and enabling them for the future.

Facilities and Eligibility Criteria

A research cell was established at IDEA in 2015. It complements the teaching methodology and specifically focuses on the overall development of students concerning building materials, technology and professional practice. We expose students to the cultural and demographic significance in architecture through arriving trends with various national and international agencies to help students look at architecture from more than just building spaces from a more socio-cultural perspective. IDEA Research Cell also serves to document, clarify, and compile the outcomes of such research endeavours and bring out publications from time to time.

This field demands interactive sessions and culture between students and faculty to develop a progressive environment. To create future-ready and a more relevant breed of young architects, architecture education has to extend its boundaries for other sciences, which matter profoundly for a nicely built and living environment. The curriculum needs to concentrate on a more contextual approach to understanding social sciences and economics. By doing so, we will be competent to create a flexible and reflective awareness. At IDEA, we put forward a principle perspective supporting collaborative innovation, creative freedom and future relevance. To this effect, we designed "Collaborative Programs", which work in the following ways:

  • Shared Resources
  • Shared Experiences
  • Collective Enrichment

These programs help bolster students' holistic development, in line with the Indus philosophy of creating competitive, adaptive professionals with problem-solving capabilities and wisdom of context and consideration of society and environment.

IDEA is all about imparting architecture education in the most efficient and productive ways. To this end, a module-based system has been devised wherein similar subjects with corresponding studies are clubbed together to form a module. Only one module is run simultaneously, through the days and weeks. When the module is over, the next module is picked up. Design Module, the most important of all modules, comes in last, with preceding modules developed so that all previous modules' learning connects to better, more efficient, more thorough outcomes. The module system is further described in the following pages.

Bachelor of Architecture programme of Indus University prepare students about architectural theory, history and practice. We believe in an institution being a place to gain knowledge and self-learning. We perceive design as a self-referential discourse and a spatial conception of activity. Students are motivated to think about architecture in the context of space and time. A research-based hands-on approach is accepted where students deal with real-life issues of society so that they grow into well-rounded professionals who can be assets not only to the profession of architecture but also to the nation.

Architecture is a broad and complicated discipline, a profession and a part of a culture, an art that shapes the created environment but is also influenced by the world at large. Architects Create, Respond, Direct, and Elicit. They can draw motivation from nearly anything: rap, ballet, philosophy, the social sciences, and the expanding digital universe, but also from reflective moments of solitude, hand-wrought objects, and daily urban and domestic life.

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Architecture course

Academics Syllabus

Architecture syllabus

Collaborative Programmes

Architecture admission

Learning Methodology

Architecture admission

Experienced Faculty Members


Course architect

Collaborative Programmes

Study Architecture

Student Work

Architecture Fees

Life at IIDEA

Collaborative Programmes

Student Work

Life at IIDEA


Collaborative Programmes

Student Work

Life at IIDEA

Activities of the Department

Hands-On Collaborative Program on Alternative Construction Technologies

Asst.Prof. Pratik Zaveri and Priyank S organized a 9-day Collaborative Program in association with “Kesarjan – Building Center Pvt. Ltd.” at Kerala GIDC, held from June 17 to 25, 2024. The program focused on introducing students to alternative construction materials and technologies, including soil, fly ash, and lime. Students gained practical experience in constructing walls, arches, and vaults during the program.

Students Achievement

Students of the Architecture Department, along with Prof. Aditya Jain and expert architects from INTACH Madhya Pradesh, studied the traditional settlement patterns of Udaipur, Madhya Pradesh.

Faculty Achievement

Dr. Naresh Chhatwani, HoD, IDEA was invited to deliver a talk on the Admissions in Architecture, in a conference organized by Bharatiya Sindhu Sabha Youth Wing. Participants gained insights into the admission process for architecture and details on NATA Exams conducted by CoA. The session was organized online on May 11, 2024.