30-31 May, 2025    Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA

ISTE Sponsored
National Conference On
“Role of Science & Technology in Viksit Bharat@2047”
(30-31 May 2025)

Organized By
Department of Computer Science
Indus Institute of Information and Communication Technology
Indus University
Rancharda, Via: Shilaj, Ahmedabad - 382115, Gujarat, India.


About Our University

Indus University has been established to make a noteworthy contribution to the social, economic, and cultural life of our country. The founders of Indus University seek to deliver the best quality education to their students. The three pillars on which this University firmly stands are educational wisdom, professional brilliance, and research & innovation, all of which aim to nurture a spirit of entrepreneurship and social responsibility.
"ज्ञानेन प्रकाशते जगत्"
"Knowledge Enlightens the World."

About Indus Institute of Information and Communication Technology

The Indus Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IIICT) offers UG & PG programmes in information technology, computer applications, data science and cyber security. A strong emphasis is given on the general understanding of IT, providing a comprehensive and tangible framework for the fundamental comprehension of all its aspects. The curriculum forces the development of creative information technology and managerial skills, fostering technical entrepreneurship. The IIICT students are able to showcase their abilities and make contributions to the creation of a technologically enabled society.

About the Department of Computer Science

With a goal of serving society by applying IT in nearly all sectors, the Department of Computer Science is committed to providing its students with a very positive and intellectually stimulating learning environment. The Department features qualified faculty members who make a holistic approach to student development. By creating and developing software and guiding the future of students interested in information and communications technology, the Department significantly contributes to making the university a technologically advanced platform.

About the ISTE

Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional Society for the Technical Education System in our country with the motto of overall development of our Technical Education System. Being the only national organization of educators in the field of Engineering and Technology, ISTE effectively contributes in various missions of the Union Government. It has active membership of more than 1.28+ lakhs of technical teachers, 5.35+ lakhs of student members, more than 2740 institutional members (including IITs, IISc., NITs and other leading technical institutions), 1414 faculty chapters and 1505 students’ chapters at National level and 19 Sections at State Level. ISTE, New Delhi organizes an annual conventions and national seminars wherein delegates presents research papers. ISTE is actively involved in many activities conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi and National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. ISTE is having collaboration and MoUs with government organizations and various Universities for the promotion of the technical education system in the country.

About the Conference

The objective of the National Conference on "Role of Science and Technology in Viksit Bharat@2047" is to explore and strategize the integration of scientific innovation, technological advancements, and managerial practices to accelerate India's progress towards becoming a developed nation by 2047. The conference aims to bring together experts, policymakers, academicians, and industry leaders to discuss transformative approaches and collaborative solutions that leverage science and technology for sustainable development. Key objectives include identifying emerging trends and technologies that can drive economic growth, evaluating the impact of management practices on technological deployment, and formulating actionable strategies to address challenges in various sectors. By fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and sharing best practices, the conference seeks to create a roadmap for harnessing the full potential of science and technology to achieve a prosperous and equitable future for India making it a VIKSIT BHARAT.

Call For Paper

Original contributions from researchers describing their original, unpublished, research contribution which is not currently under review by another conference or journal and addressing state-of-the-art research are invited to share their work in the following themes but not limited to the conference tracks.

Important Dates:

Announcement Date February 08, 2025
Paper Submission Last Date March 15, 2025 Extended till March 31, 2025
Notification of Acceptance Date April 15, 2025
Registration Opening Date April 16, 2025
Early Bird Registration Closing Date April 30, 2025
Registration Closing Date May 15, 2025
Conference Date May 30-31, 2025
  • Advances in Renewable Energy
  • Smart Cities and Infrastructure
  • Sustainable Agricultural Practices
  • Water and Waste Management Technologies
  • Pharma Innovations and Digital Health
  • Genomics and Personalized Medicine
  • Biotechnology in Agriculture and Industry
  • Strategies for Combating Emerging Diseases
  • Real Time Cloudbase Platforms
  • Data Quality Compliance and Regulation
  • Data Privacy and Protection
  • Advances in Cybersecurity, Digital Governance and Policy
  • Integration of Technology in Education
  • Bridging the Digital Divide
  • Business Intelligence Standardization
  • Space Missions and Their Impact
  • Satellite Technology for Societal Benefits
  • International Collaboration in Space Research
  • Space Technology for Disaster Management
  • Technology in Climate Change Mitigation
  • Environmental Monitoring and Management
  • Role of Science in Policy-Making for Climate Action
  • Innovative Solutions for Environmental Challenges
  • Simulations and Computational Models
  • Operation Research, Optimal Control and Optimization Models
  • Soft Intelligence and Predictive Modelling
  • Application of Group Theory and Applied Graph Theory
  • Technological Innovations in Aviation
  • Sustainable Aviation and Green Technologies
  • Smart Airports and Air Traffic Management
  • Aviation Safety and Security
  • Policy, Regulations and Governance
  • Passenger Experience and Service Innovation

Author Guidelines

  1. The RSTVB 2025, covers the review in two rounds of process. In the first round, the submitted papers of the authors will go through the screening on the basis of their theme, technicality, scope of work and plagiarism which to be scanned by Turnitin/Drillbit. Upon qualification the papers will be double blind reviewed by at- least three experts according to novelty, originality, completeness, clarity, relevance, significance and research contribution. The decision of the shortlisting will be intimated to the corresponding author that their paper is being accepted for presentation and for proceeding to be published. Only selected presented papers will be published in UGC Care Listed Journal ‘The Indian Journal of science & Technology’.

  2. Authors are kindly invited to submit their formatted full papers including results, tables, figures and references.

  3. All submissions are handled through the Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) at: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/RSTVB2025

  4. The review process & Submission Guidelines: Advisory guidelines for the author to read before submitting the paper.
    Paper Submission Guidelines

  5. Note: The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.

Submission Guidelines & Review Process

Paper Submission Template

  1. Authors are advised to submit their original and unpublished work (related to the theme of conference). They clearly need to identify the problem, their contribution(s), and justification with respect to the state- of-the-art work.
  2. Manuscripts should not exceed 7,500 words (about 15 A-4 size pages, typed one and half space only).
  3. Authors need to submit their papers through MS-CMT . The program committee reviews only those papers that develop, argue, and provide results through double-blind reviewing policy.
  4. Based on this and their expertise, Organising chairs/Convener will assign papers for a review.
    1. i. Technical Program Committee members can invite sub-reviewers and can hand over some papers if the papers are not within their field of expertise.
    2. ii. Technical Program Committee members are, however, still responsible for the quality and timeliness of the reviews allocated originally to them. Accordingly, the paper/review management system supports the allocation of reviews, at the initiation of TPC members.
  5. In all cases, Organising chairs/Convener will work closely. Based on the review reports and the scores, Organising chairs/Convener will send notification to the authors via along with the review reports/scores.
  6. Notification is based on an average score provided by the assigned reviewers. Note that notification, in the first review, will be straight: accept, accepted after minor revision and reject. The papers with an average score & similarity index more that 15% will be straight forward rejected.
  7. For accepted papers, general chairs will provide an additional revision, if any. This will mostly useful for those authors who have received major comments.
  8. After having revised versions, we will have exactly same set of experts for review. On a contradictory review General chairs will help invite an additional reviewer.
  9. After having all review reports/scores, Organising chairs/ Convener will make a final decision. The decisions can be categorized into following:
    1. i. The papers with average scores will be accepted for the presentation in the Conference & publication in Conference Proceedings only.
    2. ii. The papers with good scores will be selected for publication in UGC care Listed Journal.
    3. iii. Paper with high quality of research work may be considered for the publication in Scopus indexed journal.

Additional Submission Guidelines of Indian Journal of Technical Education ISTE Paper:

  1. Manuscripts submitted to the journal will be initially screened by the editors followed by the plagarism check. Those considered inappropriate will be returned to the sender.
  2. The article will be reviewed by an expert in the discipline area concerned. Neither the editors nor the journal will accept responsibility for errors, omissions, loss or damage to manuscripts.
  3. The Authors are fully responsible for the contributions.
  4. The Copyright clearance will be the sole responsibility of authors for their papers.
  5. Enough precaution should be taken to make the manuscript error free.
  6. Upon acceptance of a paper, the author(s) will be requested to provide an electronic copy of the paper, compatible with Microsoft Word.
  7. The selection of papers for publication will be based on their relevance, clarity, topicality and originality; the extent to which they advance knowledge, understanding and application; and their likely contribution towards inspiring further development and research.
  8. The manuscript should be submitted and author’s details should be mentioned in the beginning. The author should not be identified anywhere else in the article. The authors details should include full name, affiliation, e-mail address etc.
  9. Manuscripts should not exceed 7,500 words (about 15 A-4 size pages, typed one and half space only).
  10. Submit an abstract of about 200 words. The articles should be in clear, coherent and concise English language. Author/s should upload manuscript in MS-Word.
  11. Tables should be numbered and referred to in the text as Table 1, Table 2, etc. Tables should not duplicate results in graphs. The minimum amount of descriptive text should be used on graphs and drawings (label curves, points, etc. with single letter symbols). The tables and figures should be clearly visible, readable and monochromatic in nature. Avoid inserting pictures of tables and figures in the manuscript.



  1. Selected accepted & presented papers will be published in The Indian Journal of Technical Education (IJTE, UGC Care listed).

About the Journal

  1. The Indian Journal of Technical Education is published by the Indian Society for Technical Education on quarterly basis with the aim to provide an appropriate platform presenting well considered, meaningful, constructively thought provoking, non-political and non-controversial but critically analyzing and synthesizing present and future aspects of Technical Education System with particular reference to our country. The contributors are expected to highlight various issues of Technical Education (incorporating disciplines of Engineering, Technology, Management, Architecture, Pharmacy and Applied Science only) along with meaningful suggestions for solution, refinement and innovations.

    The IJTE is a peer reviewed Journal and indexed in the UGC-Care Journal list.



It is mandatory for at least one author of an accepted paper to register in order for the paper to appear in the Proceedings and be included in the Technical Program. If an author has more than one accepted paper, each must be registered. The registration fee includes a softcopy of the proceedings, high tea, and lunch.

Categories Fees
Early Bird Registration INR 2,500
Indian Delegates, Research Scholars INR 3,000
Indian Delegates (ISTE/CSI/ACM/IEEE Members) INR 2,500
Foreign Delegates USD 60
*Registration fees do not include accommodation charges.


Conference Venue

Auditorium, Main Building, Indus University, Ahmedabad - 382115, Gujarat, India

Keynote Speakers

Prof.(Dr.) Amit K Parikh

Director Academics
Banaskantha District Kelavani Mandal
G D Modi VIdya Sankul,
Palanpur - 385001

Dr. Parth Mehta

Postdoctoral Research Associate,
IIM Ahmedabad


Chief Patrons

Dr. Nagesh Bhandari
Presidential Secretariat
Indus University
Dr. Ritu Bhandari
Presidential Secretariat
Indus University


Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Chakraborthy
Executive President
Indus University
Prof. (Dr.) Vedvyas Dwivedi
Executive Vice President
Indus University


Dr. R. K. Singh
Indus University
Dr. Suketu Jani
Dy. Registrar
Indus University

General Chairs

Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Mathur
Professor & Director
IIICT, Indus University
Prof. (Dr.) K. C. Roy
Professor & Dean
IISHLS, Indus University

Organising Chairs

Ms. Bhavana Hotchandani
HoD, BCA-MCA Program
IIICT, Indus University
Mr. Kirtankumar Rathod
HoD, BSc-MSc Program
IIICT, Indus University


Dr. Disha A. Shah
IIICT, Indus University

Organising Secretaries

Dr. S M Ali
Executive Secretary-ISTE

Dr. Akshara Dave
IIICT, Indus University
Dr. Hardiksinh Rayjada
IIICT, Indus University

Ms. Mansi Mehta
IIICT, Indus University

ISTE Gujarat Section Management Committee

Dr. Sachin P. Parikh
ISTE Gujarat Section
Jt. Director, DTE, Gandhinagar
Er. Vishal Bhavsar
SMC Member,
ISTE Gujarat Section
Entrepreneur, Vadodara

Dr. Bhasker V. Bhatt
Hon. Secretary cum Treasurer,
ISTE Gujarat Section
COO, Facile Maven Private Ltd., Surat
Prof. Alefiya I. Kachwala
SMC Member,
ISTE Gujarat Section
BBIT, Vallabh Vidyanagar
Dr. Shilpa Kathad Khuman
SMC Member,
ISTE Gujarat Section
VVPEC, Rajkot

Prof. Hardik V. Bhatt (Rtd.)
SMC Member,
ISTE Gujarat Section
MSU Polytechnic, Vadodara
Dr. Asutosh K. Patel
SMC Member,
ISTE Gujarat Section
GP, Ahmedabad

ISTE New Delhi Executive Council Members from Gujarat State

Dr. Rakesh D. Patel
EC Member, ISTE-ND
BBIT, Vallabh Vidyanagar
Dr. Sanjay K. Dave (Rtd.)
EC Member, ISTE-ND
HOD-Civil Engg., BBIT, Vallabh Vidyanagar

Dr. Kirit M. Makwana
EC Member, ISTE-ND
Principal, BBIT, Vallabh Vidyanagar

Prof. Kalpesh M. Bhavsar (Rtd.)
EC Member, ISTE-ND
MSU Polytechnic, Vadodara
Dr. Jayesh A. Shah
EC Member, ISTE-ND
Director (R&D), PSE, Palsana, Surat

Organising Committee

Dr. Vaishali Patel
IIICT, Indus University
Mr. Vivek Dave
IIICT, Indus University
Mr. Parimal Trivedi
IIICT, Indus University
Ms. Honey Shivnani
IIICT, Indus University
Dr. Mukta Agrawal
IIICT, Indus University
Ms. Manisha Bhatol
IIICT, Indus University
Dr. Amrita Sharma
IIICT, Indus University
Ms. Hirva Gohel
IIICT, Indus University
Ms. Sucheta Trikha
IIICT, Indus University
Ms. Mita Ahuja
IIICT, Indus University
Ms. Bhargavi Chauhan
IIICT, Indus University
Ms. Archana Shrivastav
IIICT, Indus University
Ms. Abhilasha Waghmare
IIICT, Indus University
Mr. Sandip Gohil
IIICT, Indus University
Ms. Aditi Mehta
IIICT, Indus University
Dr. Monika Tiwari
IIICT, Indus University
Dr. Shefali Parihar
IIICT, Indus University
Mr. Prakash Kamar
IIICT, Indus University
Mr. Urmil Bhatt
IIICT, Indus University
Mr. Sneh Bhatt
IIICT, Indus University
Mr. Mitul Ghediya
IIICT, Indus University

Conference Schedule

  • Day 1 Friday - May 30, 2025
  • Day 2 Saturday - May 31, 2025

Contact Us



30-31, May 2025



Indus University
Rancharda, Via: Shilaj,
Ahmedabad – 382 115.
Gujarat, India.



Dr. Disha A. Shah

+91 9427066704

Mr. Kirtankumar Rathod

+91 9427950363


