
27th & 28th May 2023

  • Dr. Ritu Bhandari

    Presidential Secretariat

  • Dr. Nagesh Bhandari

    Presidential Secretariat

27th May 2023

28th May 2023

About the Conference

Bharatiya “Jeevan Drishti” (Life Vision) and “Jeevan shaili” (Lifestyle) are at the core of LiFE; a working group dedicated to the exploration of lifestyle practices in tune with the environment. It is one of the most significant engagement groups of Civil20, working towards achieving the objective of the upcoming G20 agenda. The purpose of Civil20 (C20) is to bring together voices, ideas, and solutions from civil societies across the globe.

Indus University in collaboration with LiFE is organizing a two day conference on the most revered ecological concept of India: Acharana.

India has produced crucial thoughts and ideas in the domain of nature and ecology since time immemorial. These ideas have inspired saints, scholars, and activists to shape the ecological consciousness of India implicating all aspects of life. Having understood the deeper unity of life and its varied manifestations, Indian seers have ensured and built a mechanism to transform this perception into practice.

Acharana is the cultivation of daily practices, emanating from profound wisdom that has shaped the Indian mind with regard to nature and ecology. It has been emphasized repeatedly that mere perception and intellectualization are not enough, if they are do not manifested in behaviour and regular practices. Indians have always revered and have highest regard for those who are the embodiment of these profound values and call them ‘Acharaya’ (those who embody and manifest sublime teachings).

Indic wisdom is the culmination of the ceaseless exploration of the relationship of man with nature, sacredness and ultimate reality. For thousands of years, this wisdom has been explained and expounded upon through India’s sacred scriptures such as the Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Dharma Shastra, Arthasastra, Natyashastra, etc. This corpus also constitutes the knowledge fabric of India’s oral traditions – classical as well as folk.

Indic scriptures have explored and taught, for generations, ways to inculcate ecological consciousness into daily behaviour and conduct. These scriptures use various educational methodologies such as sutramantradohakavya, stories, and related mnemonic techniques for easy transmission of ideas into practices. They have guided the daily living of seekers, aligned with the cycle of nature to restrain excessive consumption of resources and enhance the overall well-being of society. Indic scriptures highly value and encourage the art of simple living. This helps individuals to live a calm and peaceful life and ensures a harmonious balance with nature.

This conference would like to explore, understand and compile how Indian society has incorporated these various sublime teachings, from the scriptures, in our daily lives. Mediated by some of the finest Indian minds, this two-day conference will delve deeper into the knowledge fabric of India that has shaped innumerable defining practices (acharana) for individuals, institutes, and communities with the aim of maintaining the ecological wellbeing of the planet.

Acharana (आचरण)

Indic Wisdom for Sustainable Lifestyle 27-28th May 2023, Indus University, Ahmedabad LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment)

27th May 2023

Name Tentative Topic Time
Inaugural Session 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Session 1 :
Shastric Foundation of Ecological Consciousness
03:15 PM - 04:45 PM
Dr. R. Rangan
Dr. T. S. Shanmukha Sivacharyar
Prof. Sachchidananda Mishra
Prof. Rajnish Kumar Mishra
High Tea 04:45 PM - 05:15 PM
Session 2 :
Folk Wisdom, Health and Ecology
05:15 PM - 06:45 PM
Dr. Deepa Duraiswamy
श्री लक्ष्मण सिंह
Smt. Indumati Katdare
Dr. Hitesh Jani

28th May 2023

Name Tentative Topic Time
Session 3 :
Economic Sutras and Sustainable Lifestyle
09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
श्री आशीष कुमार गुप्ता
Dr. P. Kanagasabapathi
Prof. Satish Deodhar
Shri Ashutosh Jani
Tea Break 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Session 4 :
Science, Sustainability and Indic Wisdom
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Prof. Kattesh V. Katti
Prof. Dr. Ajayan S
Prof. Chaitanya Giri
Shri Aravindan Neelakandan
Ms. Deepali Patwadkar
Lunch 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Session 5 :
Lok Parampara, Agriculture and Self-Reliant Villages
01:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Shri Rahul Deshpande
Shri Gopal Bhai Sutariya
Dr. Sunita Pandey
Shri Prithwi Singh
Tea Break 03:30 PM - 03:45 PM
Concluding Session 03:45 PM - 05:15 PM


Session 1

Shastric Foundation of Ecological Consciousness

Dr. R. Rangan

Dr. T. S. Shanmukha Sivacharyar

Prof. Sachchidananda Mishra

Prof. Rajnish Kumar Mishra

Session 2

Folk Wisdom, Health and Ecology

Dr. Deepa Duraiswamy

श्री लक्ष्मण सिंह

Smt. Indumati Katdare

Dr. Hitesh Jani

Session 3

Economic Sutras and Sustainable Lifestyle

श्री आशीष कुमार गुप्ता

Dr. P. Kanagasabapathi

Prof. Satish Deodhar

Shri Ashutosh Jani

Session 4

Science, Sustainability and Indic Wisdom

Prof. Kattesh V. Katti

Prof. Dr. Ajayan S

Prof. Chaitanya Giri

Shri Aravindan Neelakandan

Ms. Deepali Patwadkar

Session 5

Lok Parampara, Agriculture and Self-Reliant Villages

Shri Rahul Deshpande

Shri Gopal Bhai Sutariya

Dr. Sunita Pandey

Shri Prithwi Singh

Registration for Participation