We are excited to announce the Indus Hackathon 2025, an exhilarating one-day event organized by the CSE Department of Indus University....Read more We are excited to announce the Indus Hackathon 2025, an exhilarating one-day event organized by the CSE Department of Indus University.
26th ISTE Faculty Annual State Convention will be held at Indus University on April 27, 2023....Read more 26th ISTE Faculty Annual State Convention will be held at Indus University on April 27, 2023.
We are excited to announce the Indus Hackathon 2025, an exhilarating one-day event organized by the CSE Department of Indus University....Read more We are excited to announce the Indus Hackathon 2025, an exhilarating one-day event organized by the CSE Department of Indus University.
26th ISTE Faculty Annual State Convention will be held at Indus University on April 27, 2023....Read more 26th ISTE Faculty Annual State Convention will be held at Indus University on April 27, 2023.
Research Topic: Development of Lean Six Sigma Model for Manufacturing Industries
Research Area: Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma
Abstract: Lean Manufacturing is widely regarded as a potential methodology to improve productivity and decrease costs in manufacturing organizations. The success of lean manufacturing demands consistent and conscious efforts from the organization, and has to overcome several hindrances. This research area also provides an important insight into manufacturers’ dilemma as to whether they can commit into Industry, considering the investment required and unperceived benefits.
Research Topic: Experiment Investigation on welding of nickel-based alloy by A-TIG Welding Process.
Research Area: Manufacturing processes
Abstract: A novel variant of TIG welding process called the A-TIG welding process involves application of thin coating (10-15 μm thick) of activated flux on the joint area prior to welding and the process is found to produce dramatic increase in penetration of 300% in single pass welding. It can overcome the limitations of the conventional TIG welding process. Nickel –based alloy are commonly used due to its superior mechanical property and oxidation resistance at high temperature in aerospace, power, and nuclear industries. A-TIG process will useful to improved productivity of welding joint. Here we experimentally investigate welding technology for Nickel-based alloy, it is necessary to select the appropriate flux, carrier solvent, and corresponding welding parameters. Consequently, PWHT cycles and final mechanical/metallurgical properties of the welded joints shall also be analyzed.
Repair, Strengthening and Performance Enhancement of Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures.
Amongst the total infrastructure existing across the globe, nearly 70 % is Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structures, and of this 70 %, around 60 % again, are old structures with a varying degree of deterioration, and need major repairs. Again, awareness on environmental conservation emphasizes on reduction in use of concrete, use of waste material in concrete, and utilization of environmentally hazardous materials in concrete. With strengthening of existing structures, there are possibilities of attainment of dual advantage, one being the fact that concrete debris generation can be pushed back by few years, another is the reduced CO2 emission of old strengthened structure as compared to the new one. Repair and Strengthening and Performance Enhancement of Existing RC Structures is gaining popularity in current market since its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Strengthening of RC elements various mechanisms and materials is one of such prospective areas wherein no Indian Standard guidelines are available either for strengthening, or for ascertainment of performance of strengthened component. ISIS Canada, ACI 440-2R: 2017 and CNR-DT Guidelines are currently available in the area. Experimental investigations are to be undertaken in this area, with an aim to establish guidelines for strengthening of RC components, suitable for Indian climatic conditions. Analytical and Numerical analysis, supported by development of Empirical equations can also add up to an extent in current area of research.
Research Topic: Wild Animal Detection in Cluttered Forest Images using Machine Learning
Research Area: Image Processing & Machine Learning
Abstract: Monitoring and Detection of Wild Animals is the active research area from last decade. The detection is done from natural images captured from camera trapped networks. The collected images pose the challenge in detection as the information obtained is highly cluttered. Due to this the detection criteria generates large number of false discovery rates. The aim of the proposed work is to design a machine learning based system for wild animal detection in the cluttered images. The outcome of the project should demonstrate the robustness of machine learning algorithm in enhancing the detection performance of Wild animals and to increase the detection accuracy over all existing detection methodology.
Research Topic: Investigation of Security Issues in Internet of Things (IOT) Networks
Research Area: Networking Security and IOT.
Abstract: Internet of Things is growing technology which connects the lifeless things to life in the world. IOT is a vital research area and catching attention The present day IOT technology which is actually a wireless communication network are highly prone to security threats. Deployment of efficient security policies and protocols is extremely important in order to maintain confidentiality and integrity of network among others. The proposed work should be an extensive study of security issues in IOT Networks and design of an Intrusion detection framework that detect such vulnerable attacks in IOT and allow the devices to communicate effectively and smartly.
Research Topic: Speech Recognition with Audio-Video Modalities based Feature selection using 3D-Convolutional Neural Network
Research Area: Signal Processing and Deep Learning.
Abstract: Speech Recognition system fails when audio is corrupted. In such case, Audio-Visual Recognition system has been considered as the good solution. Audio –Visual Recognition is used for multi-speaker scenarios. These scenario is useful to leverage the information extracted in one modality to improve the recognition ability in other modality by providing complementary missing information. It can be looked as the fusion of two modalities of information to enhance the recognition accuracy. The proposed work includes design of framework that combines two different modality viz. audio and visual details. The idea is use Deep learning algorithms to extract visual details and demonstrate the effectiveness of joint learning of spatial and temporal information using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks.
Research Topic: Investigation of Challenges in Free Space Optical Communication System in presence of Atmospheric Turbulence and its Mitigation Techniques.
Research Area: Free Space Optical Communication and
Abstract: Free Space Optical Communication is emerging area as the demand for higher data rate is rapidly increasing. FSO finds the application in the places where the installation of optical fibers is too costly or completely infeasible. FSO basically deploys the optical links in the atmospheric space without the use of optical fibers.
Ample bandwidth, High data rates are some of the promising advantages of FSO communication. However, the FSO communication faces security issues. Eavesdropping is one of the major information security threats in FSO network. Also, FSO technology uses atmospheric channel as a propagating medium whose properties are random function of space and time. It makes FSO communication a random phenomenon that is dependent on weather and geographical location. The environmental parameters like fog, snow, clouds, rain, haze, etc. causes strong attenuation. The proposed work should involves the investigation and effects on mentioned parameters on FSO link and techniques to mitigate the same.
Research Topic: Investigation and Design of Cyber Physical Systems of Systems
Research Area: Cyber Physical System of Systems
Abstract: A Cyber physical system of systems (CPSoS) is one of the emerging areas in the field of research. This is concatenation of two different concepts. The one is systems of systems (SoS) and other is the cyber physical systems(CPS). The SoS is characterized by mainly 5 components. They are operational independence of the components of the overall system, managerial independence of the components of the overall system, geographical distribution, emerging behavior, evolutionary development processes.
According to the leading researcher in CPSOS is defined as “A SoS is an integration of a finite number of constituent systems which are independent and operable, and which are networked together for a period of time to achieve a certain higher goal.” The concept of CPS is summarized as “The interaction of very large complex cyber physical systems for a large number of distributed computing devices to monitor , manage and control and exchange the information between them and human”. It requires the multidisciplinary approach. To design, and to operate cyber-physical systems of systems, knowledge and technologies from many domains are essential. Some of them are well described as Communication technologies and communication engineering. Standardized protocols, exploiting the Internet of Things, to provide new functionality/services, LiFi – light
communications, human-machine interface, dependable computing and communications,
security of distributed/cloud computing and of communication systems etc.
My interest areas are more lying in Communication technologies component of CPSoS This covers research in wireless communications, communication protocols , machine learning, etc. Following are the some of the emerging areas in CPSoS i.e, modeling and large-scale simulation of heterogeneous systems of systems, partially autonomous decision making and system-wide control and coordination, collaborative decision making by computer systems and humans, fault detection, resilience, reconfiguration, and integration of new components etc. Other than CPSoS , Block chain technologies also attract the attentions of researchers.
Following limitations have been identified for future research
Throughput: The potential throughput of issues in the Bitcoin network is currently maximized to 7 transactions per second. When the frequency of transactions in Blockchain increases to 2000 transactions per second, the throughput of the Blockchain network needs to be improved.
Latency: Now a days Bitcoin takes roughly 10 minutes for the completion of transaction. If upon addition of security features It may take little more time because it has to outweigh the cost of double spending attacks. Making a block and confirming the transaction should happen in seconds, while maintaining security. This Latency has to be decreased Size and bandwidth: The size of bitocoin is going to increased from 50000 MB to 250 PB in the network there will be a great challenge. Also Bitcoin community assumes that the size of one block is 1MB, and a block is created every ten minutes This is another challenge to solve the transactions size. Similarly, Security, Wasted Resources, smart contracts, applications of Blockchain etc creates the opportunity for research in Blockchain technologies. Similarly Sensor network routing protocols, vehicular adhoc network have limitations in energy efficient protocols, issues related to fairness, are few burning issues to solve CPSoS challenges.