Gokulashtami Celebration

Executive President’s 30 mins discourse on Krishna today to students and faculty of Indus University is as below:
Audience laughed, sang bhajans, and absorbed message on Krishna as the farmer who ploughs the heart (krishyati iti Krishnah), as the charming little prankster who attracted every being (Karshati iti Krishnah) and the joyful blissful being that He was ( Kushyati iti Krishnah). These traits made him a manger, leader, teacher, Guru cum Mentor. He has given the Geeta as the celestial song which is nothing but the research outcome on the standard operating procedure of the mind and its functions. Once the mind and its functions are known every being will have an opportunity to work towards self actualization or self realization. The process for this is given in the Geetha. Arjuna’s despondency is akin to the mental swings that one goes through. The help Krishna, the eternal master, gave as a mentor, friend, a teacher and then a Guru to bring the former out of the state to make him focus on the purpose was portrayed in the address. The manner in which Arjuna was able to transform reflects directly on the control that Krishna had on Himself and the manner in which Arjun’s mind was able to focus to grasp. Unless Krishna exhibited the nature of detachment to use his mind as a tool, he could not have transformed Arjuna. Just like only a magnet can induce magnetism in an iron piece.
Audience laughed, sang bhajans, and absorbed message on Krishna as the farmer who ploughs the heart (krishyati iti Krishnah), as the charming little prankster who attracted every being (Karshati iti Krishnah) and the joyful blissful being that He was ( Kushyati iti Krishnah). These traits made him a manger, leader, teacher, Guru cum Mentor. He has given the Geeta as the celestial song which is nothing but the research outcome on the standard operating procedure of the mind and its functions. Once the mind and its functions are known every being will have an opportunity to work towards self actualization or self realization. The process for this is given in the Geetha. Arjuna’s despondency is akin to the mental swings that one goes through. The help Krishna, the eternal master, gave as a mentor, friend, a teacher and then a Guru to bring the former out of the state to make him focus on the purpose was portrayed in the address. The manner in which Arjuna was able to transform reflects directly on the control that Krishna had on Himself and the manner in which Arjun’s mind was able to focus to grasp. Unless Krishna exhibited the nature of detachment to use his mind as a tool, he could not have transformed Arjuna. Just like only a magnet can induce magnetism in an iron piece.
For the manner that Krishna managed as a manager and the leader, he is hailed for as a being who was supreme, for no other human could do that with easeness of Krishna. He was an ideal, set for all humanity. The science of mind espoused in Geetha clearly shows the mastery, the articulation and mentor-ship along with compassion that Krishna possessed. A teacher (acharya) informs while a Guru transforms. Krishna was able to change his roles at will as needed. Hence he becomes the charioteer who is capable of steering through the wilderness of mental chaos. He was focused on the purpose. The purpose was Universal dharma, cosmic dharma. He did not lift a weapon but got all things right. It is said that managers do the “things right” while leaders do “right things”. Krishna was able to maneuver between being a manager and a leader at ease. This proves his ability to use the tools of intellect and mind so appropriately at the right time, place and situation, thus establishing the Universal dharma that doesn’t change with time (sanathan). Let’s learn from Krishna and the SOP he has given us as Geetha (the Bhagavat Geetha).
The address ended with song Achutham Keshavam Rama Narayanam…Krishna Damodaram Janaki Vallabham..