73rd Independence Day

Summary of address by Executive President:
Are we truly independent after 73 years? Where does independence start? Outside or inside?
EP mentioned about how Bharat’s national flag is so very significant to the topic of independence. The tri-color is so profound. Saffron color at the top stands for strength, valour/courage that enables and empowers one to make sacrifices. Symbolically the message is to sacrifice the desires and wants. Among the vital, essential and desirable things of the world – we can afford to sacrifice the desires and wants. We can even push ourselves a bit more to do away with the essentials. Such actions lead to establishment of peace within and outside. Aptly the next color beneath saffron, the color white is a representation of peace or purity or truth. Truth here is not just a verbal expression but a living reality of “what is” than “what we perceive” When peace / truth is established, in combination with Dharma (symbolised by the dharma chakra / ashoka chakra having 24 spokes akin to 24 qualities given by Buddha), prosperity or growth or co-evolution is the natural outcome symbolised by the green color.
To achieve prosperity or co-evolution, one has to start by, establishing peace or truth within oneself; practicing dharma which in-turn can’t happen if one doesn’t sacrifice. The formula for “Sustainablity” is presented by the flag of this great nation.
However the question that comes up is, why are we not able to sacrifice? There is so much anxiety or in-security in the minds that by holding on to things and emotions one feels a sense of temporary stability or happiness. These insecurities or anxieties are caused by the six fundamental destructive elements (enemies) from within, which Bharath has been echoing time immemorial. These six are lust (Kaam), anger (Krodh), attachment (Moh), greed (Lobh), pride (superiority complex – Mada) and jealousy (Matsarya) which are taking our minds into their fold / hold, thereby conditioning the minds with insecurities, prejudices and anxieties. Thereby making us feel low in self-esteem, self-confidence and not allowing us to perform the act in the best manner. This gets reflected in our performances.
But then what is the panacea from this? Yoga is the panacea.
Yoga means “communion” not just the physical postures which are one aspect of yoga. Communion with? one’s real identity, the spirit of life that is zestful and joyful. The steps in the process of communion to un-limit and unleash ourselves, start with “External Disciplines or virtues (Yama)”, then internal / self discipline (Ni-yama . When combined with physical exercise (asanas) and disciplined breathing (prana-yama) the mind is now rendered free from the sensual pulls towards the world and consumes the world with discretion (Pratyahar meaing withdrawal of senses). With the the mind now free from the turbulence created by the sense pull and the un-easeness of the body, one can concentrate and focus (Dharana). With focus or one-pointedness we become alert to every thought that comes up in our mind thereby weeding the unwanted ones that keep us dominated and pulls us into myriad of other thoughts. One then slips into a state of thoughtless yet completely alert existence (Dhyana). In this state one attains mental equilibrium (or equanimity) and is not affected by the world of thoughts generated by external indulgences, causing impulses in us. This state of equanimity is Samadhi. When one is thus not-conditioned then the out come is seen in performance to the best. This is the simple formula for a joyful life and professional performance. While the western world has mastered the art of perfection it is still struggling with the perfecting the human being. To say the western world is to an extent taking care of the first three but then is bereft of the remaining 5. Hence the same insecurities and anxieties affect them too.
Whether it is students or faculty or parents, it is important to look at our well being in the truest sense and then look at the nation to define independence. We need to value our lives and every moment of our lives. If we tend to live a hypocritical life then the outcome shall be hypocritical.
Let us resolve to look at independence in its truest sense so that we gain freedom from the shackles of inner enemies thereby rendering this great nation free. Vande Mataram. Jai Bharat.