
Students of 4th year went for their site visit to Udaipur form 26th march to 5th As a part of studio site analysis, students studied the urban fabric of the city in relation to the infrastructures that support it.

Kiran Vaghela, Working with materials, IDEA Lecture series, 7th March 2019
The workshop will deal with exploration of concrete. There will be experimentation through making, talking about processes, methods and limitations of working with the material.
Design and Build with Card Board, 26th Feb to 10th March 2019
The workshop was an intensive hands-on experience for students and professionals in comprehending the material properties, behavior, tooling and manufacturing technique. The process involved numerous scaled models as a prototype to understand various joineries before undertaking a true scaled pavilion construction.
Ghosts that Walk the city, 1st to 10th March 2019
Ghosts that Walk the City is a narrative-based historical research project. It engages with the unseen shadows along the Ahmedabad Heritage Walk to investigate the underground, the fringe and the marginal on it. At the end of the workshop the works were displayed at the Conflictorium from 8th to 10th March
Beyond Facades: A dialogue amongst the altered spaces in Pink City, 1st to 7th March 2019
The intent of the workshop was to identify and study social or cultural characteristics of the chowks/grid blocks of the city of Jaipur and then document the responsive architectural characteristics.
“Reinterpreting Surfaces: The Catalonian Way”, 1st to 7th march 2019
Laminated tile dome technique dates back to early 18th century and gained popularity with the rise of architects such as Antonio Gaudi and Guastavino. This workshops looked at the surfaces that have allowed for inexpensive, yet sophisticated spaces to be develop.
Chitra Vishwanath, ‘Tyranny of small decisions’, IDEA Lecture series 25thFeb 2019
Chitra Vishwanath addressed the students about working on the philosophy of merging ecology and architecture. She spoke as a strong advocate of sustainable architecture by demonstrating projects that have incorporated local resources and natural elements in an optimized manner.
- Lecture and discussion session by Shraddha Jain for 4thyear students, ‘Film Making and game designing’, 18th Feb 2019
- Lecture and discussion session by Rajan Rawal for 4thyear students, ‘Building energy and sustainability’, 19th Feb 2019
- Lecture and discussion session by Xerxes Rao for 4thyear students, ‘Solid waste management’, 22nd Feb 2019
- Sandip Patil, Earthscapes, lecture on 20thFeb 2019, Topic- “Water management and sustainability”