The Department of Science & Technology and GUJCOST launched Robotics competition “Robofeast-1.0“ last year. The objective of the competition was to create an environment for the young engineers in the field of Robotics. The competition comprises 8 different categories of Robots like; Rover, Underwater Robot, Chess Playing Robot etc. The competition was divided in three levels with exciting prize money, Level-1: Ideation/Concept (Prize – 50,000/-), Level-2: Proof of Concept (Prize – 2,00,000/-) and Level-3: Prototype Submission (Prize – 5,00,000/-).
From Indus university, 03 teams were participated in last year competition “Robofeast-1.0“ and out of those 03 teams, one team was shortlisted till stage-2 in the category “Multi-Purpose Defence Rover” and won the prize of 2.5 lakhs under the supervision of Prof. Darshan Bhatt and Prof. Ruchit Soni.
The selected Robot “Multi-Purpose Defence Rover” from Indus University is displayed at Science City Robotic gallery.
Students Member:
1. Neel Shah – B. Tech (Electrical) – III year
2. Prem Parekh – B. Tech (Automobile) – II year
3. Kabir Tilokani – B. Tech (Mechanical) – III year
4. Harsh Kanjariya – B. Tech (Computer) – III year
Faculty Coordinator:
1. Prof. Darshan K. Bhatt – Department of Mechanical Engineering
2. Prof. Ruchit Soni – Department of Electrical Engineering