GUJCOST Sponsored Workshop on

Workshop on Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)

December 11-12, 2020

The Department of Electronics & Communication, IITE, Indus University Ahmedabad is glad to invite you to a workshop (online) on  “Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)” sponsored by GUJCOST during 11th & 12th December 2020.
The workshop is intended to discuss recent research breakthroughs, technical advancement, and new findings in the area of IoT and especially Industrial IoT. Participants will get E-certificate.  

The program pre-registration is mandatory. Seats are limited and will be offered on a first come first serve basis. 

Registration link:
All the participants are also encouraged to share the workshop details on their social media platform for wider publicity.  
Please find the workshop details and brochure for your reference.
Once you get registered you will receive the online link  on a day before the event.
Workshop Co-ordinators: 
Asst. Prof. Abhishek Vaghela & Asst. Prof. Omkar Pabbati            
Electronics & Communication Department 
Indus Institute of Technology & Engineering

Convenor: Dr. Vrushank Shah
Head EC Dept, IITE
Indus University
Chairperson: Dr-Ing Anupam Kumar Singh
Director, IITE, IRICS
Indus University
Indus University

Indus University Rancharda, Via: Shilaj, Ahmedabad - 382 115. Gujarat, INDIA. Telephone: +91 2764 260277 / 78 / 79 Mobile : +91 9099944241 / 42