Certificate Course on Python & R for Data Science
Certificate Course on Python & R for Data Science
About the Department
The Electrical Engineering Department at Indus University was set up in 2012 with an admission of 60 understudies at the Under Graduate level. A Post Graduate course of M.Tech. in Power System was presented with an admission of 18 understudies.
The office has profoundly qualified and experienced resources having a ton of scholarly certifications surprisingly. The office has additionally got extraordinarily talented and professional research centre partners for all the labs. The office has cutting edge labs.
The prospectus incorporates extremely significant Electrical Engineering zones like Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Power Systems, Electrical Machines, Electronics, Power Electronics, Electrical Machine Design alongside essential ideas of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. The educational plan likewise gives understudies a chance to become familiar with extra courses identified with the most current innovation in the field of Microprocessors, High Voltage Engineering, Communication, and Computer Programming.
There are many Electrical Engineering Colleges in Gujarat, but Indus University is counted as one of the Top Electrical Engineering Colleges in Gujarat.
The office has a standard practice open understudies to various programming devices utilized in Electrical Engineering like PSCAD, ETAP, MATLAB, Power World Simulator, and so forth.
The division library has a rich assortment of helpful BIS lists, introductions, and reports of undertakings attempted by understudies. Additionally, the focal library is buying into five specialized magazines identified with the office and a wide assortment of reference material in a non-print structure.
The office has a wide assortment of different training, including models, specialized graphs, working cut segments of machines, and working models arranged by understudies.
The division has set up close tie-ups with ventures. The division has gotten a ton of help from experiences in different perspectives identified with project work, master addresses, preparing understudies and resources, and R &D.
Visits of understudies to various force plants and driving ventures are completed consistently once a semester. Aside from this, understudies are urged and guided to have more modern preparation and IDP. The division welcomes industry specialists for an audit of IDP/UDP for UG understudies and theses of PG understudies.
Numbers of laboratories with Names:
All laboratories are well-equipped with the latest hardware and software tools to support knowledge dissemination in the classroom and provide hands-on practical experience.
Electrical Machine Lab
This laboratory deals with electrical machines which include different electrical A.C. & D.C. machines like single-phase and three-phase transformers, single-phase induction motor, various fractional horse-power motors, 3-phase Induction motor, synchronous motors and alternators, D.C.generator, D.C. motors, with different ratings.
Power System Lab, Switchgear & Protection Lab
This laboratory includes well-designed panels on modern transmission line simulation models, various switchgear, PLC trainer with software, relay testing panel & advanced programmable microprocessor-based relays. The major power system protection panels include feeder protection, biased differential protection of transformers, induction motor protection. This lab consists of different types of software used in electrical engineering namely MATLAB, MIPOWER. Lab VIEW, PSPICE, etc.
High Voltage Engineering
High Voltage Laboratory is well equipped with all the advanced equipment like impulse generator of 150 VK – 5 stages, HV transformer, HVDC rectifier, capacitor divider, resistance divider, solid insulation tester up to 30 VK, liquid tester up to 100KV, high voltage tesla coil, spark gap, rod gap, sphere gap, insulation testing unit and oil testing unit. Various experiments like rod gap arrangement for flat electrode pointed and square electrode, various sphere gap arrangement, impulse generator testing, HVAC measurement through capacitor divider, HVDC rectifier application, transformer oil testing, and solid insulation testing for wood, mica, paper & bakelite to be performed to enhance the practical skill.
Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments
This laboratory is equipped with various trainer kits for verification of network laws and theorems. It also includes various kits for AC/DC bridges, standard cell, potentiometers, dual-trace oscilloscopes, function generators, and various other measuring devices.
Analog & Digital Electronics
Analog Electronics Laboratory is well equipped with various analog trainers for experiments related to basic characteristics and applications of diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers. Various amplifier configurations and oscillators related experiments are carried out in the laboratory. There are various test and measuring instruments such as function generators, power supplies, digital multimeters, cathode ray oscilloscope, and breadboard. Various experiments such as logic gates, combinational logic circuits, and sequential logic circuits. At the end of the sessions, students are given a small project. Students use SSI and MSI digital ICs for performing experiments.
Power Electronics & Devices
In Power Electronics & Devices lab, uses different devices (SCR, MOSFET, DIAC, TRIAC, IGBT) characteristics kits, half-wave, full-Wave rectifier kits, DSO, CRO, power supplies, function generator. And contains various laboratory modules for electrical drives and thyristor control devices.
Microprocessor and Embedded System Lab, Control Engineering Lab
Microprocessor and Embedded System Lab provides students with hands-on experience with building, programming, testing, and debugging processors and microcontrollers. This lab incorporates software and hardware experiments with a Microprocessors & microcontrollers system.
Assembly language programming, simple input/output interfacing, serial-parallel interfacing and interrupt processing in Microprocessors & amp; microcontrollers systems. The hardware consists of 8085, 8086 training kits, 8051 micro-controller training kits, and ARM controller kits. The lab also has computers and relevant software packages. The purpose of this lab is to provide practical experience to the students. Laboratory experiments are to teach assembly language programming for 8085/8086 Architecture, 8051 microcontrollers, PIC controllers.
Control Engineering laboratory is facilitated with various experiments. This laboratory includes trainer kits like Root-Locus and different controlling types of equipment and simulators like stepper motors, servo motors, tech generator, synchros. All this equipment is supported by a backbone of standard electronic test and measurement instruments (oscilloscopes, powers supply, signal generators), networked PC workstations, and Matlab/Simulink software licenses for co.
Project and Design Lab
The Design Lab is the brand-new home base of the product innovation project. It is a working environment enabling creative work, knowledge sharing, and experience exchange. All facilities are designed for flexible use, with free interaction and prototyping made as easy as possible. Space can be easily modified and rearranged for various set-ups and different purposes of use. Meanwhile, the overall layout of the design lab encourages open communication and spontaneous encounters. The laboratory helps the students with the required knowledge to show their innovation and understanding of the subject through hardware and software-based system design. This laboratory enhances the learning experience of the students in different domains, the students have learned in the three years of study of engineering. The lab is also equipped with power scopes, oscilloscopes, multimeters, measuring instruments like wattmeters, ammeters, and voltmeters.
Electrical Engineering is a diversified and challenging profession concerned with the design, development, fabrication, and control of the electrical devices upon which our technological society so largely depends.
At, Indus University the course curriculum has been designed and is updated regularly in consultation with industry professional, alumni and persons from reputed academic institutions to make the students competent enough for industry and higher studies.
The department of Electrical Engineering brings an opportunity for Post-graduation in Electric Power System. Students are specializing to deepen their knowledge considerably by focusing on the present day’s specialized need of industries.
The curriculum for Post-Graduate Programme has been designed in view of the present scenario of industry needs and research areas.
Research in the department is at the leading-edge of technological innovations and encompasses all major areas of electrical engineering.
Our faculty members and research scholars are recognized internationally for remarkable contributions to engineering and society in the field of research.
Certificate Course on Python & R for Data Science
Certificate Course on E-Commerce Website Development using WordPress and Woocommerce
The inaugural program of Certification Course on Lift Maintenance was held on 14/03/2022 from 10:30 am onwards.
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Indus University
Rancharda, Via: Shilaj,
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Telephone: +91 2764 260277 / 78 / 79
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E-mail: info@indusuni.ac.in
Indus University
Rancharda, Via: Shilaj,
Ahmedabad - 382 115.
Gujarat, INDIA.
Telephone: +91 2764 260277 / 78 / 79
Mobile : +91 9099944241 / 42
E-mail: info@indusuni.ac.in